On Wednesday, January 14, 2009 at 10 AM, Governor Sonny Perdue delivers his seventh State of the State Address to a special joint session of the Georgia General Assembly. Governor Perdue is expected to outline his legislative agenda and the spending priorities for the State of Georgia for fiscal year 2010. In a time of economic uncertainty and projected budget shortfalls, the tho
ughts of Georgia’s Chief Executive should be important to every Georgian. Join Lawmakers’ co-hosts David Zelski and Nwandi Lawson for a special live broadcast of the State of the State Address. They will be joined by special guest, Chuck Clay, former State Senator, partner at Brock Clay and President of Insider Advantage.
You can watch the live State of the State Address program Wednesday morning at 10 AM, live on GPB Knowledge, listen to the address on GPB Radio or watch the address online by clicking here.
GPB Knowledge is available to those with digital television receivers at .3 of your local GPB transmitter. For example, that would be 20.3 in Augusta, or 8.3 in Atlanta.
Tomorrow evening's Lawmakers program is a one-hour special that will include the entirety of the Governor's address. That's at 7 PM on GPB Television.