Governor Perdue spoke to the assembled crowd first and touched on education, economic environment, transportation and tort reform. He began by sayin

1) High School Principal incentive pay program to provide $10,000 bonuses to a principal that consistently improves student achievement.
2) Create a merit pay program to identify and reward teachers who increase student achievement.
3) Pay first year fully certified math and science teachers as fifth year teachers and bring all of our current math and science teachers up to that pay level.
In the arena of business-friendly legislative proposals, Governor Perdue will propose two new initiatives to limit liability and further reform Georgia's tort law:
1) Companies with a significant presence in Georgia will not be subject to product liability claims within this State if the FDA (federal Food and Drug Administration) approved the medical device, drug or labeling along with it.
2) To deter "frivolous" lawsuits, a tort reform bill designed to provide relief to individuals or companies wrongly sued. If a claim is dismissed at the earliest possible stage, the litigant bringing the claim will be responsible for the prevailing party's attorneys' fees. If the attorney fails to advise his or her client of this provision, the attorney could pay the award. The bill will also ensure that the discovery process will not begin until the legal merits of a complaint have been tested.
The Governor also spoke about needing to deliver more value for dollars invested in transportation and closed with remarks about Georgia's ongoing drought situation. He said that last year's passage of a Statewide Water Plan is a step in the right direction and he says he will announce appointments to Regional Water Councils soon.
Lt. Gover

Speaker of the House Glenn Richardson began his remarks with a bit of an homage to the late

1) Education: the Speaker indicated that he would support Representative Fran Millar's legislation to put Technical and Adult education classes in every high school in Georgia in order to better prepare those students who will not attend college for the workforce.
2) Trauma: Speaker Richardson said that it is time to fund Georgia's Statewide Trauma Care Network. He stated that he would consider a 25-cent per phone line, $10 charge on auto tags or a $10 charge on auto policies to fund that network.
3) Property Taxes: Speaker Richardson that he is supporting Representative Edward Lindsey's legislation that would freeze property tax values and cap assessments at either 3% or the rate of inflation, whichever is less.
4) Transportation: Speaker Richardson spoke about several initiatives to help relieve traffic congestion- moving truck routes out of metro Atlanta, expanding light rail and expanding major traffic arteries like Georgia 400- but says that he will back Representative Vance Smith's statewide transportation funding plan rather than regional plans. That is a fairly clear indication that the Speaker will not back the Transportation Special Local Option Sales Tax, or T-SPLOST, that has been backed by members of the Senate and Lt. Governor Cagle.
Tune in to Lawmakers on GPB at 7 PM for highlights from these Eggs & Issues speeches and all the latest from under the gold dome.