The Senate took up Senate Bill 350 today, which aims to make driving with a suspended license in Georgia a felony on the fourth offense. The bill, which is sponsored by Sen. John Wiles, was introduced last year, but was vetoed by Governor Sonny Perdue. Sen. Wiles believes new changes will meet with the Governor’s approval. SB 350 passed the Senate, and now goes to the House.

The Parent Protection Act, House Bill 901, got a hearing before the House Industrial Relations Committee. HB 901 would allow for employees in the private sector to take time off for medical needs and/or attend to the educational needs of their children in cases where such leave isn’t guaranteed by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act. Lawmakers’ Bridget Snapp has more.
The House voted today to reconsider its action on House Bill 492, which passed the House yesterday. Controversy arose when the bill was amended to allow for three advance practice nurses to serve on the Georgia Composite Medical Board. HB 492 now returns to the House General Calendar, and the House Rules Committee may or may not place it back on the House Rules Calendar.

Lt. Governor Casey Cagle announced new bi-partisan transportation legislation at a press conference today. The resolution proposes a constitutional amendment that would allow county governments to propose a one percent Transportation Special Local Option Sales Tax, or T-SPLOST. Eighty percent of those funds could be used on the local level to fund transportation projects, while the remaining 20 percent would be returned to the state.
All that and more, tonight on Lawmakers. Watch Online!