This week under the gold dome, the House-Senate Joint Appropriations Committee meets Tuesday through Thursday to hear budget requests from Governor Sonny Perdue and Agency heads. The Governor's fiscal year 2009 budget recommendations total $19.3 billion, up from $18.3 billion in FY 08. Available revenues however, show the State has an estimated $21.4 billion available to spend in FY 09.
Scheduled to address the committee today are:

10:00am Chancellor Erroll Davis of the University System of Georgia
11:00am State School Superintendent Kathy Cox
1:30pm Ron Jackson
Interim Commissioner of the Department of Technical and Edult Education

2:30pm Commissioner Gena Abraham
Department of Transportation
3:30pm Superior Courts
Arch W. McGarity, President of

Council of Superior Court Judges
District Attorneys
Tommy Floyd, District Attorney, Flint Judicial Circuit
President, Prosecuting Attorneys' Council
Court of Appeals
Chief Judge Anne Elizabeth Barnes