Tonight on Lawmakers, the House passes a bill to fix the state’s sex offender law, Democratic lawmakers unveil legislation to lower property taxes and increase funding for public schools, an exclusive interview with Appropriations Chairs Senator Jack Hill and Representative Ben Harbin, and it’s Drinking Water Security Day at the Capitol.
The House passed changes to Georgia’s sex offender law today. The present law prohibits registered sex offenders from residing or working anywhere within a 1000 foot radius any place where minors congregate. House Bill 908 allows for registered sex offenders to remain on owned property or maintain employment within the 1000 foot limit, so long as they owned the property or were employed there before July 1, 2006. HB 908 now moves to the Senate.
Democratic lawmakers announced today that new legislation to lower property taxes and increase public school funding will be introduced tomorrow. The plan is reported to provide $600 million from the state’s reserve funds to local school systems, and is intended to lower the burden of property taxes. Lawmakers’ Bridget Snapp has more.

Lawmakers co-anchors David Zelski and Nwandi Lawson sat down today with Appropriations chairs Senator Jack Hill and Representative Ben Harbin. Topics covered included the effect of the economy on Georgia’s budget, pork barrel spending, and the funding for trauma care.
Today was Drinking Water Security Day at the Capitol. Members of the Georgia Rural Water Association gathered under the gold dome to bring awareness to drinking water issues in the state. Lawmakers’ Andi Dixon has the story.
All that and more, tonight on Lawmakers. Watch Online!
The House passed changes to Georgia’s sex offender law today. The present law prohibits registered sex offenders from residing or working anywhere within a 1000 foot radius any place where minors congregate. House Bill 908 allows for registered sex offenders to remain on owned property or maintain employment within the 1000 foot limit, so long as they owned the property or were employed there before July 1, 2006. HB 908 now moves to the Senate.
Democratic lawmakers announced today that new legislation to lower property taxes and increase public school funding will be introduced tomorrow. The plan is reported to provide $600 million from the state’s reserve funds to local school systems, and is intended to lower the burden of property taxes. Lawmakers’ Bridget Snapp has more.

Today was Drinking Water Security Day at the Capitol. Members of the Georgia Rural Water Association gathered under the gold dome to bring awareness to drinking water issues in the state. Lawmakers’ Andi Dixon has the story.
All that and more, tonight on Lawmakers. Watch Online!