Governor Sonny Perdue, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle and House Speaker Glenn Richardson all spoke at the annual Eggs and Issues Breakfast this morning. Although Speaker Richardson and the House voted to override 12 of the Governor’s vetoes yesterday, the leaders talked about working together to improve Georgia in the face of record drought, proposed tax revisions, and a sagging economy.
In an effort to keep Grady Hospital public, Sen. Vincent Fort held a press conference on the steps of the Capitol today. Sen. Fort then proceeded to the Governor’s office with television cameras in tow to deliver a petition, signed by thousands of Georgians, to protect the state’s largest public hospital.
Legislation was introduced today to widen the scope of Georgia’s pre-kindergarten program. House Bill 939 would provide for the inclusion of three-year-olds in the program, and require the State Department of Early Care and Learning to develop the program, as well as evaluate program progress.
Decatur City Schools filed an application to become a State Charter School system. If the application is approved, the system would be exempt from several state and federal laws, as well as be eligible for $5 million in seed money provided by the state.
Mothers Against Drunk Driving and Georgia Watch, two citizens’ groups, held a press conference today to promote a bill that would save Georgians money on their car insurance. Senate Bill 276 seeks to insure that drivers with uninsured motorist policies receive the full benefit of their coverage.
All that and more, tonight on Lawmakers. Watch Online! Just click here.